Friday, June 5, 2009

Foodie Friday

Today's post is in honor of summertime and all the cookouts, baseball games, etc. that go along with this warm, but wonderful season! We've found that Ball Park Lite Beef Franks are a good substitute for the full fat dogs without losing much/any of the flavor. Before I even give the stats on these low fat franks...I knooooow that hot dogs still probably aren't the healthiest food to eat. However, we like them, and they are a quick and easy meal when we're on the go. Plus, if you pair them with some baby carrots on the side, then it's not so bad, right? ;)

Ball Park's Lite Beef Franks have only 100 calories and 7 grams of fat per frank for a total of 3 WW points. Now, that may sound pretty high, since that doesn't include the bun, but is actually quite a bit better than Ball Park's regular beef franks, which have nearly twice as many calories and more than double the fat. There are, of course, even "healthier" options that are fat free and/or made with turkey that you may enjoy. While we don't like the turkey/fat free hot dogs by themselves, I think they would taste good with some turkey chili and melted low-fat cheese, which is how we often enjoy our lite franks!

1 comment:

laurensmommy said...

these sound good, Megan. Thanks for sharing.
And to answer your question, Lauren is sucking on a medicine dropper from her poly-vi-sol drops! :) She was teething and I wouldn't give her a pacifier, so she improvised!