Thursday, March 26, 2009

Earth Hour

We'd all probably agree that we can't just flip a switch and fix all the world's problems. However, maybe turning your lights out on Saturday, March 28 for one hour at 8:30 p.m. local time could be a small start.


Besides, who doesn't need an excuse for a spring evening walk, an hour of prayer and quiet time, a candle-lit dinner, star gazing, or anything else you can think of to do in the dark? ;)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I've Got the Blues

As is typical with me and all that is was somewhat of a frustrating day in the lab. See exhibit A below:

Gel electrophoresis equipment that helps me visualize the results of my experiment using the wonderful mutagenic/teratagenic substance ethidium bromide (please, Lord, don't let my children have flippers!)

The fact that it was cold and rainy out (after having been teased with a few gorgeous spring days last week) didn't really help my mood any. The people at the grocery store kept getting in my way, someone left a shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot that, of course, started rolling right toward my car, and the list goes on! By the time I got home from the uni and errands, I was nearly in tears (oh the joy of being female).

However, I'm actually not writing to complain about some of the normal frustrations of everyday life, but to say how thankful I am that my husband is such a great listener, encourager, and hugger! I am truly blessed to be able to come home to such a wonderful person, and I'm so grateful to God for this source of love and encouragement. Oh, and the chocolate-frosted brownies we had for dessert didn't hurt either! ;)

So, I'm wondering...what lifts you up after a rough day? What makes you feel better when life isn't going very swimmingly?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back to Blogging

I definitely go through phases when it comes to blogging. So, while I've been out of it for the past year or so (falling in love and getting married can keep a girl busy!), I'm going to try to get back at it. It's not like I really have anything terribly interesting or insightful to say, but I know I enjoy reading my friends' blogs, so I decided to get back in on contributing to the fun. :) Plus, what doctoral candidate out there ISN'T looking for one more way to procrastinate! haha

That's all for now, folks!